Wow, finally! I just booked the tickets to Berlin, and ownCloud Conference the 28 Aug – 3 Sept 2015. It will be an amazing event, where it will be possible to attend to talks, do some coding and contribute with your ideas to improve ownCloud even more. Of course, one of the best things will be to socialize with people that has the same interest as you – just having fun.
Talk to the people behind ownCloud
You should really consider coming there if you don’t have anything booked in your calendar. It will be the perfect time to be able to talk with the people behind ownCloud like Frank Karlitschek, and all the other awesome people on GitHub that make ownCloud possible. I just officially want to say: Thank you!
You want to come?
All the information you need is found here. You won’t regret it.
Best Regards
Daniel Hansson
Pro tip
Install ownCloud and host your own private cloud. Download the pre-configured ownCloud VM now!
Set your backup as a cronjob, here is a guide we made.