Remove ads in uTorrent with “PIMP MY uTorrent“
Did you know it’s possible to automate the extract process directly in uTorrent? Well, now you know. We use it to un-rar everything that’s downloaded to ourĀ Plex media server. Life’s getting easier in just a few simple steps.
How to
To auto extract all your downloaded series and movies just go to preferences and put this line in “Run Program”:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x -r "%D\*" "%D"
You can use the following parameters:
%F - Name of downloaded file (for single file torrents) %D - Directory where files are saved %N - Title of torrent %P - Previous state of torrent %L - Label %T - Tracker %M - Status message string (same as status column) %I - hex encoded info-hash %S - State of torrent %K - kind of torrent (single|multi)