18iy282587lxnpngIf you ask us, we think you should host ownCloud on a Linux machine. We tried Windows Server before, but gave up in a pretty early stage. (Windows Server is not longer supported after version 8.0) So to make it easier for you guys that are in the same situation that we were – we have prepared a guide for those who want to do it themselves. We also made a pre-installed version of ownCloud that you can find here.

ownCloud 9 Installation

Our recommendation is to run your ownCloud install as a VM. Then you can use Windows as usual on your regular computer and install the server as a guest operation system. Of course you can also install ownCloud on a Linux dist directly.

To do that you have to download VMware Workstation or some other program that you can host your VM on.  Here are two free programs that you can use: VMware Player and VirtualBox, if your are on Mac.

Please note that this guide isn’t tested with Ubuntu 16.04. We would appreciate if you let us know if you manage to make it work with Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Create your Virtual machine

    new VM

  2. Set your PREFERENCES in your vm

    We prefer to use “Bridged Mode” in our setup on the network for example. Then your IP won’t be the same as the host computer.

  3. Install Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS

    Select OpenSSL + LAMP in the setup. Choose between the different options by pressing the space button.

    Ubuntu Server 14.04

  4. Finish your installation of ubuntu
  5. Set automatic upgrades
    :~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
  6. Check your internal ip
     :~$ ifconfig

    Use the IP that DHCP has given you to keep it simple. Look for the inet address.


  7. Go to the network configuration file
    :~$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
  8. Then put this in the interfaces file
     # The primary network interface
     auto eth0
     iface eth0 inet static
     address 192.168.1.XXX

    Instead of 192.168.1.XXX you put the IP that DHCP has given you in step 3.

  9. Set the nameservers (using Comodo Secure DNS)
    :~$ sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
  10. THEN PUT THIS IN THE resolv.conf base file FILE
  11. MySQL housekeeping, press [Enter] to select default
    :~$ sudo mysql_install_db
    :~$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
  12. Set hostname

    This doesn’t have to be “owncloud”, it could be whatever you like. But you have to be consistent. In other words, use the same ServerName as Hostname.

    :~$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname owncloud
  13. Change hostname in /etc/hosts
    :~$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

    Change from:

    To this:

    If you are setting up your server to be on a domain, it should be your domain name (example.com) in front of the hostname like this: localhost example.com owncloud subdomain.example.com owncloud
    # and so on....
  14. Set Servername directive in apache
    :~$ sudo sh -c "echo 'ServerName owncloud' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf"
  15. restart network
    :~$ sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0
  16. Check if the network is working (otherwise some setting is wrong)
    :~$ nslookup google.com
  17. IF working the output should be something like this
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: google.com
    Name: google.com
  18. If not working, nothing happens. Check your settings! You could also CONTACT US.
  19. Install owncloud 9

    There are different repositories for different OSes.
    In this guide we use Ubuntu 14.04.

    :~$ sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/stable/xUbuntu_14.04/ /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud.list"
    :~$ sudo wget -nv https://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/stable/xUbuntu_14.04/Release.key -O Release.key
    :~$ sudo apt-key add - < Release.key && sudo rm Release.key
    :~$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get install owncloud
    :~$ sudo service apache2 restart
  20. Install LibreOffice to be able to read .doc and .docx files:
    :~$ sudo apt-get update
    :~$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libreoffice-writer
    :~$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-4
  21. Make sure that your /tmp is in ramdisk which improves session handling performance.
    :~$ sudo echo 'none /tmp tmpfs, size=6g defaults' >> /etc/fstab

    If you want to check that the setting went in, look inside the file

    :~$ cat /etc/fstab
  22. Set memcache

    Memcache speed things up. This is how to set up APCu, but it’s recommended to use Redis Cache instead to handle the file locking mechanism better.

    PHP 5.5:

    :~$ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/enoch85/2367c396a2e119a12894/raw/16e7fc4db35d7bc74d27095c428f06102cbe14e0/install_apcu_4-0-6.sh
    :~$ sudo bash install_apcu_4-0-6.sh

    PHP >5.6:

    :~$ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/enoch85/c504c4516e68bdcae7a2/raw/07c9817582c8b902b25a28c2349f4cdddba66571/install_apcu_4-0-7.sh
    :~$ sudo bash install_apcu_4-0-7.sh
  23. Go to ownClouds config.php
    :~$ sudo nano /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php

    Add this

    'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\APCu',
  24. Reboot
    :~$ sudo reboot
  25. Create an account at http://192.168.1.XXX/owncloud
     MySQL user: [root]
     Password: [Your MySQL password]
     Database Name: [owncloud]
     Database Host: [localhost]

    Change .XXX to your IP adress.

  26. Secure your owncloud

    Download this script to set proper permissions to your ownCloud folder.

    Change “ocpath” and “htuser” user so that it fits your system, in Ubuntu 14.04  the htuser is ‘www-data’ and the path is


    Though our recommendation is to always install the  ownCloud core in


    You can check which path owncloud is installed in by typing

    :~$ ll /var/www


    :~$ ll /var/www/html
    :~$ sudo -i
    :~$ nano /path-to-script/setup_secure_permissions_owncloud.sh

    Here you set “htuser” and “ocpath” and check if the script is set up properly.

    Save and exit the file with [CTRL+X] answer [y] and then [ENTER]

    :~$ sudo bash /path-to-script/setup_secure_permissions_owncloud.sh
  28. Open your owncloud config file
    :~$ sudo nano /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php
  29. Add this in config.php
    'preview_libreoffice_path' => '/usr/bin/libreoffice'
  30. Go to ownCloud apps and activate Douments
  31. Go to owncloud Admin settings enable Word support


  32. Enable SSL (RECOMMENDED)
    :-$ sudo -i
    :-$ a2enmod ssl && a2enmod headers && sudo a2ensite default-ssl
    :~$ service apache2 restart
  33. Set headers in your apache config
    :~$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-VHOST.conf

    Add this value

    <VirtualHost *:443>
    Header add Strict-Transport-Security: "max-age=15768000;includeSubdomains" 
    SSLEngine on

    A strong recommendation is to buy a real SSL certificate instead. You can get one on a TRIAL period of 3 months, and then extend for 4.95€ / year here.

    You can also use this guide to setup you Virtual Host in Apache.


    If you want others to access your ownCloud from outside your own network you have to make it public.

  35. Update your system
    :~$ sudo apt-get update
    :~$ sudo aptitude full-upgrade
    :~$ sudo reboot

 Pro tip

1. Install Webmin as well to manage your files and system.

2. Install the ownCloud VM and host your own private cloud. Download  the pre-configured ownCloud VM and give it a try.

3. Use NetDrive if you have limited storage on your client computer.

4. Download this script and update your ownCloud instance with bash instead.