Machine setup for the ownCloud VM

  • Size when extracted: 20 GB (pre-allocated for better performance)
    Can be extended
  • 2 GB RAM (editable)
  • 1 vCPU, 2 vCores (editable)
  • Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 LTS 64-bit 
  • Apache 2.4
  • MariaDB 10.2
  • PHP 7
  • Linux Kernel: 4.4
  • SSL (self-signed) activated when you run the install script.
  • SSL headers is activated and configured for better security.
  • Cron.php runs every 15 minutes.
  • A random MySQL root password is generated when running the startup-script.
  • Max upload is set to 1000 MB. Here is a guide if you want to change it. Please notice that automatically hashes out the default value in /var/www/owncloud/.htaccess during update.
  • Installation script included that takes care of the initial setup and change passwords.
  • phpMyadmin is pre-installed for easier MySQL administration. Forbidden access by default for better security.
    To change allowed IP or host, please edit the config file and make necessary changes: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf
  • Redis Memcache is configured with socket instead of localhost – Server version 3.1
  • Webmin is pre-installed for easy administration of the server.
  • LibreOffice pre-installed and activated to be able to handle MS-documents.
  • SMTP mail already configured with a Gmail account. (Change this to your own)
  • Pre-activated virtual host that you can edit to suit your config.
  • Documents, Contacts, and Calendar are pre-installed apps. (Documents MS support have to be activated in admin settings – choose “local”).
  • ownCloud 10.0.4 (stable)
    Update by typing:

    :~$ sudo bash /var/scripts/
  • Automatic updates with a bulit in script
  • The file is in .vmdk format
  • Network mode: Bridged mode (Another IP than the host)
    Note: If you use VirtualBox you have to change to Bridged Mode manually as VirtualBox uses NAT as standard.

It’s all depending on how many users you want to have. You can run it on a Raspberry Pi if you want, so it’s not depending on that much hardware power.

A good tutorial on Raspberry Pie, plus some history behind “the cloud”:


Pro tip

You don’t think 20 GB is enough? Expand your VM, this is how to do it.